CBD (Cannabidiol): Oil, Wax, or Powder

What Is CBD (Cannabidiol)?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a medical compound that is found in the cannabis and hemp plants. It has significant health benefits but is not psychoactive like its brother compound. Its many physical benefits include alleviating anxiety, depression, mood disorders, chronic headaches, sleep disorders, body aches and pains, and even epilepsy. Mushroom New Orleans offers a wide variety of high-quality CBD products from brands like Green Roads and Empire Wellness that are 100 percent legal and 100 percent safe to use.

Green Roads CBD Products

  • CBD Oil as Tinctures – Tinctures are a popular form of CBD oil, and the ones we carry are sublingual (can be placed under the tongue) and can also be vaporized. Depending on the potency, it is made of pure vegetable glycerin and CBD crystal. Holding the bottle up to a light reveals just how crystal-filled it is. Sublingual use is more efficient because of these crystals, but vaping it still works very well. The higher the MG the more crystals you see and also the more health benefits. We offer 4 out of the 6 of Green Roads’ CBD tinctures. 100 MG, 350 MG, 550 MG, and 100 MG with added terpenes. Terpenes are volatile aromatic molecules found in the hemp plant that have a citrusy flavor and aroma and their own health benefits.
  • CBD Wax – We especially enjoy Green Roads’ crumble-like wax (1 gram), which is 26 percent CBD, combined with plant fat. It is slightly harsh, but works so wonderfully when you roll other waxy materials with it. This wax can be eaten (it tastes bad this way, you have been warned!) or vaporized with a dab rig or dab pen, rather than the e-cig tank used for a tincture. We prefer vaping. The effects are immediate. One of us who suffers from anxiety felt calmer and very happy within the first 30 seconds after exhaling. On the exhale it is very smooth, tasting almost like cherries with sweet undernotes. When you pair this with other waxy substances that hold a wonderful medical benefit, it truly tastes and feels amazing.
  • CBD Crystalline Isolate — This pure white crystal and powder combination comes in .25, .5, and 1 gram sizes. It is 99.7 percent CBD. We strongly recommend ingesting it by using a mini scoop dabber and a rig. Just like the wax, it also works really well rolled in other substances. It is a bit harsher than the wax and has a much different flavor. But on the exhale, it still has that strong cherry flavor and sweet afternotes. We slightly prefer the flavor of the wax, but the effect of the isolate was a lot stronger and more intense.

Empire Wellness CBD Products

Based out of Colorado, Empire Wellness is one of the leading brands of crystalline isolate and strain-specific cannabis terpenes. The company uses only organic, locally-grown cannabis to extract the CBD and terpenes. Because the isolate is derived from cannabis, it is also lab-tested to prove purity and is legal in all 50 states.

Empire Wellness has a large variety of CBD crystalline isolate (99.8% pure CBD) with re-added cannabis terpenes. Their inventory ranges from sunset sherbet to blue dream to OG kush and more.  They also carry a crumble “wax” form of CBD. We love this crystalline isolate because the terpenes add intense flavor and gives an incredible sensation. We suggest dabbing this or mixing it in with any hot beverage, and the CBD crumble can easily be put into a rolled cigarette or dabbed as well. Both forms of this CBD come by the gram.

Sisters of the Valley CBD Products

We are proud to carry CBD products from Sisters of the Valley based out of Merced, California. A company inspired by ancient wisdom and centuries-old traditions, the Sisters prepare their CBD products during moon cycles and recite prayers for healing into every jar or bottle they produce. These hand-crafted products are all made in the same manner but may have varying potencies due to natural plant variations. Whether you’re in the market for CBD salve, CBD tinctures, or CBD-infused oils, the Sisters have you covered.

Charlotte’s Web CBD Products

A family-owned operation in Colorado, Charlotte’s Web by the Stanley Brothers is touted as the “world’s most trusted hemp extract.” Creating CBD-infused oils and capsules, some for you, and some for your pet, Charlotte’s Web CBD products are no strangers to the media. The company is well-known for its line of high-quality hemp and CBD products and you can now find them at Mushroom New Orleans.